Useful Tips to Keep Your Hands Clean

Six Useful Tips to Keep Your Hands Clean

Good hand hygiene is essential to protect your health and ensure wellness. And after this pandemic, you must be quite accustomed to washing, cleaning, and disinfecting your hands from time to time as a precautionary measure. Keeping in mind the necessity of clean and germ-free hands, we’ve laid down a few tips to keep hands hygienic.

And, needless to say, the best hand wash liquid of a certified brand can be of immense help! Such an original liquid handwash will not only offer maximum germ protection but also keep your hands nourished and moisturized.

Below are some of the valuable tips for maintaining the cleanness of your precious hands.


1)     Use Hand Sanitizer

By now, you must’ve got a hangover this! Yes, it’s majorly important that you use a good hand sanitizer, especially when you’re outside. Just remember to leave it on your palms for at least 30 seconds after rubbing it for proper action. And do make sure to use a hand sanitizer that contains an alcohol concentration of 70% or more so that it can have an optimal germicidal effect on your hands.

2)     Wash Your Hands Thoroughly

The most effective method for hand cleaning is to wash your hands for around 20 seconds before you eat or drink after you use the restroom or after you cough or sneeze. Wash your hands with your usual soap to get rid of viruses and send them down the drain!

3)     Use Disinfecting Wipes

Do you know that wiping surfaces that you’re going to touch can significantly help in keeping those hands clean? Grab a disinfecting wipe, clean the surface and then, simply allow it to set and dry. From gas pumps and credit cards to car knobs and other things that you constantly touch, make sure to wipe these areas to safeguard your hands from contamination.

4)     Apply Clean Towels

After you cleanse your hands, do use a paper towel to carefully dry your palms. Don’t forget to open and close doors with such towels to keep those clean and fresh hands unsoiled!

5)     Carry a Shopping List

Going to the store to buy stuff? Well, we as kids and adults tend to touch things that we won’t even buy. So, if you have a list of all the things you’ll be purchasing, you can just pick those up and put them in your shopping basket. This will restrict your exposure to a large number of surfaces and hence, limit your interaction with a higher percentage of bacteria and viruses.

6)     Use a Foaming Hand Wash

This is one of the safest and simplest means to keep your hands clean and disinfected. Senu, a highly trusted brand offers premium liquid hand wash with a refreshing strawberry scent to keep hands fresh, clean, and soft. So, it’s a great idea to have these hand wash solutions at home and in your bag. Buy Senu Foaming Handwash Strawberry (250 ml) affordably to see how this gentle hand wash with a rich and luxurious texture magically washes away all dirt and germs and retains long-lasting nourishment for your hands! Worried it won’t be suitable for your dry skin? Wash your hands using Senu foaming handwash for 20 seconds and you’ll be surprised how quickly your hands become moisturized, nice-smelling, and disinfected!

Be it germs, dirt, bacteria, or other invisible viruses and microbes, all types of contaminants can be removed from your hands if you follow these tips. Stick to these guidelines and your hands will stay hygienic and super-clean!

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